Call for Initiative Leads

The Institute for Matter and Systems (IMS) is calling for dynamic and visionary initiative leads to join our ambitious research and innovation program. This is your chance to contribute to our vision of establishing Georgia Tech as the unassailable thought leader in ‘matter and systems,’ and to play a crucial role in the Institute’s growth.

Applications are currently closed.

Core Facilities Seed Grant Program

The Institute for Matter and Systems (IMS) is Georgia Tech’s newest interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to the convergence of innovative materials, devices, and processes. Breakthroughs in these areas will drive the future of innovation for solving societal, technological, and scientific challenges. Faculty and students in IMS leverage state-of-the-art facilities and expert technical staff for research spanning all disciplines in science and engineering with particular emphasis on microelectronics, the built environment, human-centric technologies, and frontiers in research infrastructure. 

Since there often is a learning curve associated with initial proof-of-concept development and testing using unfamiliar tools and techniques, this seed grant program was developed to expedite the initiation of graduate students and new research projects into productive activity. Successful proposals to this program will identify a new, currently unfunded research concept that requires core facility access to generate preliminary data necessary to pursue other funding avenues.

Applications are currently being accepted. Apply by April 1, 2025.